Thursday, November 29, 2012

Head Start!

Finally putting that spare Den-O to use.

So on my visit to the local Japanese surplus store, (same store I bought a loose MRS Den-O) I was able to find and buy a few Soul of Hyper Figuration statues, one of them was Den-O. 

Turns out the statue is the perfect size for the MRS body and it has the compound eye look that I want, so I went ahead and chopped it off for transferring.

Now normally that would be enough, but I decided to tweak a few things on the MRS just slightly, like the shoulder armor and a bit of the belt. What I plan to do with this is to completely repaint it to look a bit more accurate, something that I'll base on the tiny statue since its paintjob is so pretty, but that's for next week because we'll be spending the weekend out of town. 
Now I mentioned I bought more than one statue, so which one was the other one?


Kuuga. It ended up a tad more straightforward. 

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