shows how much i can stick to my words. hah! :P
anyway, back then i was so into these things. mom tells me she bought me a kit--it was a ZOID i can't remember which one it was-- when i was just around 4. i pissed her off because she knew the toy needed assembly and she also knew she would become the one to do it, so she offered me a deal: she'd buy the kit but i'd have to build it. i agreed. and i built it. she was impressed--she reassures me of this, and ever since then i've been building stuff.
this kit is something of a full circle for me. see 15 years ago my assembly regimen was:
- open box
- tear open plastics containing sprues
- gnaw the pieces out with my teeth
- follow the instructions while searching in a futile way for ANY trace of english
- shabbily put together the robot and apply the stickers that would either not fit or get torn
- pat myself on the back for a job well done
- play with my new toy along with other stuff i had.
i never realized how i knew so little (aside from #7 which is a Must for EVERY toy out there). well now i feel i'm gonna at least TRY to make this thing look like the Box art. so without further ado, here's a picture heavy post about this kit.
funny thing, up to now i STILL don't know the kit's name. i should teach myself Japanese one day. but until then he will be known as '98'.
but as with anything i enjoy it's dominated by pictorial representation. which is very, very sweet. i can tell the models here are custom conversions of standard SD-UC kits, i can still see the mecha detailing under all that warrior trim. hell even that light blue Nu Gundam custom there looks shockingly like the non-Musha G-generation re-issue kit i had back in 02'. these Japanese Plamo artists are simply inspiring. making their own ideas come alive from the stock models readily available. i mean just LOOK at that Zeong warlord custom. very creative interpretation :)
some Size comparisons thrown in for good measure... .JPG)
another old school favorite of these things: build it yourself launchers! hell yeah! back then this gave me the feeling that i was like some sort of weaponsmith making working guns for my robots. :D
98' comes with six missles that look rather phallic.
here's the basic components. the spring is WAY easy to lose if you're not careful. more than one occasion i built "dud" guns. it disappointed me a little but the swords and spears were enough play-value for me.
and here he is with the built launcher. looks ace!
that's it for now. buess this is another project i got on the table. huuurrrgghhhh so many distractions >.<
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